Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Why "The Walking Lioness"?

Hello, I know some of you may be wondering why I named my blog page, "The Walking Lioness"? So I wanted to take the time out to tell you why. Years ago I became fond of the Lioness and all that she represented. Why you think of a Lioness, what's the first word that come to mind? I'm pretty sure a lot of you thought of the words beauty, provider, fierce, powerful, strength, confidence etc.... Well so did I. I wanted to be all of these things. I didn't want to pretend or put on a facade as I was all of these things, I genuinely wanted to embody all of the characteristics of a Lioness. Well Thanks to my First Lady, Christy Cowart at Live Oak Church of God, I am on my way to truly walking as the human form of a Lioness. She introduced me to the book, "Arising Lioness" by Lisa Bevere and this book as gave me a new awareness as to how to be a Lioness. This is the back book cover introduction to the book........ "These people rise up like a lioness; like a majestic lion they stand." -Numbers 23:24 The Lioness rises from her slumber, a magnificent image of strength, passion and beauty. Her mere presence commands the landscape, protects her young, and empowers the lion. In groups, lionesses become a creative and strategic force to be reckoned with, acting as one to change the world around them. YOU TOO ARE A LIONESS. Women, it's time to..... AWAKEN... God did not save you to tame you.... AWAKEN... to a life of fierce passion. AWAKEN... to dangerous prayer, stunning power, and teamed purpose. AWAKEN... your response could very well change your world. This book is absolutely amazing. I recommend it to every women out there. The words of this book, deposited huge amounts of courage and strength just by opening it up. All of my Followers please get the book and read it, because shortly I will be posting the "Lioness Challenge". This will be something that I personally will be doing in order to be and continue to be a "Walking Lioness". Are you up for the challenge?? Then get the book! Go to and buy the book. The cost of the book is $14.99 but amazon has some used one on there now for as low as $7. So buy the book and stay tuned for the challenge. Thank you so much for reading, I will talk with you soon. Have a great day! God Bless!

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