Monday, May 6, 2013

Are Your Priorities Straight?

Hello Everybody, Are your priorities straight? Do you know what your priorities are? Do you know what a priority means? "Priority": A thing that is regarded as more important than another. The fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important. As a Christian My priorities are...... #2 My Husband and our Marriage #3 My Children #4 My Businesses and Ministry Because I know my priorities I should to make the choices and decisions that will allow me to keep my priorities straight and in order. But that Is not always the case. I am much better than I use to be. I have really been working on getting my priorities straight. And what I have found is that sometimes getting your priorities in order require some major adjustments. Sometimes just to be able to spend more time with your family, you will have to find another job or work less hours. Sometimes in order to get some quiet time to meditate on the promises of God, you will have to wake up at 5a.m instead of 6a.m. Sometimes in order to be able to keep your "date night" with your spouse, you will have to pay someone $20 an hour to keep all 4 of your kids. Your Priorities are what is most important to you. Nowadays jobs are the number 1 priority among most people. They wake up at six in the morning, fix their kids a bowl of fruit loops, get the kids off to school and then rush to make it to work on time. They get to work, flustered and frustrated because the traffic was bad but because they are late, their isn't time to take a deep breath and gain some composure. The work schedule is 8 a.m to 5 p.m. They work all day, get off to be stuck in even more traffic, by the time they get home to their family they are even more overwhelmed. Then they eat dinner, they shower, maybe watch a little t.v and then bed. What a waste of day! I know because my days used to be that exact same way. We get stuck in these normal 8-5's and our family and our relationship with God is sacrificed. I'm so sorry but my family and my relationship with God means much more to me than a job! This reason alone is why I am a Entrepreneur. I was so tired of being away from my kids all day! I was so tired of not being about to interact with my family because I'm so tired when I come home. I was so tired of not being able to take trips when I wanted to because I had a job. I was so tired of feeling like I had to work a $10 a hour job all day just to keep food on the table. I was so tired of being mistreated by co-workers and management. I was so tired! When my husband and I married, he told me that I didn't have to work if I didn't want to. It wasn't the fact that I didn't want to work, I wanted to be able to make money in a way that will allow me to keep my priorities in line. I Thank God for a husband that would allow me to follow that entrepreneurial fire that was burning within me. I was fed up with making other people rich! I followed my heart! And now I am able to home school my kids, and spend quiet alone time with God everyday. I am able to keep my house clean and cook breakfast, lunch and dinner for my family. I am able to freely travel the world and spend quality time with my husband. The awesome part about all of this is that I get to have fun while still making Money!!! (SCREAMING) AWESOME!!!! Before I didn't have no time to do the things that meant the most to me because I had to work a job, making no more than $600 every 2 weeks. Now I can live the life I want and make $600 in one day! Isn't God good! Tears come to my eyes every time I think about it. Now don't get me wrong, there are some days where I get it wrong. Sometimes I may be working on the computer a little too long or there are times where I don't do any work all day, but I get back on track the next day. If you are someone who is longing for the opportunity to stop working a normal 8-5, and start being able to do the things that means most to you but still make money. Then I have good news for you. You do not have to stay tied down to a job if you don't want to. You can be free to put your priorities in place and keep them that way. Being an entrepreneur does not mean you do not have to work, it means you can work when you want and where ever you want. If you are in need of your current paycheck, I do not recommend quitting your job and building your home business, because building your home business will require patience and consistency. But I do recommend building your home business on the side so you can eventually quit your job. It boils down to this one question "How bad do you want it?" How bad do you want to be able to put your priorities back in order and begin to live your dream life? If you are ready to change your life visit and fill out the side information box. I will personally help you begin building a home business, in a billion dollar industry. Don't make any excuses! If you want to see to see a change in your life, you have to change first. Get rid of every excuse, change your mindset, speak positive and get around positive people. You can do it! You can make your dreams come true! If you are not willing to change, then I can tell you that 10yrs from now you will be exactly in the same place. Unhappy! Forget about what your momma told you, forget about what they may have said about you. Forget about all of the lies the enemy has whispered in your ears for years and you believed it. Forget about your lack of know-how, skills or education. Forget about your past failures and mistakes. The only thing that matters is, Do you want to move Forward? If you do visit and fill out the side information box. I will personally get back with you and get you on the road to building a successful home business. Below are some pictures of my priorities! I love my family! Thank You For Stopping By. Have a Great Day, I hope to talk to you soon. God Bless!

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