Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tips to Staying Motivated in Business

Hello world, Ever get tired of trying? Do you sometimes talk your self out of your dreams and into mediocrity? Do you allow how you feel determine the amount of effort you put in? Do you allow your lack of knowledge to stop you from moving forward? You are not alone! There are a lot of us that struggle with this lack of motivation! And there are even some of us who are struggling and there is no one in our corner to give us a hug or a pat on the back and say "You got this,You can do it!" So I would like to give a few tips to staying motivated in business. Note that these are some things that I do and that I recommend doing. There are plenty other ways to stay motivated but I'm sharing with you what I do. Ok so here we go........... Tip #1: Meditate on the Goodness of God and all His Promises. - I find this to be truly motivational, and when its done at the beginning of my day it sets the tone so the rest of my day flows so smoothly. Joshua 1:8 says, "Keep this book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Doing this helps me to see that's its God's will for me to be successful and prosperous, so I have to keep going despite what it looks like. Tip #2: Find your "WHY" -Finding your why is very important. You have to know why you are aiming for success. You have to know why you are doing what you are doing. It you don't have a why, then you won't succeed! Point Blank! My why is my children and my passion to help young girls and single mothers. My why is my husband! I want to be able to send my children to college and leave an inheritance for them. I want to be able to help you girl become Godly women and to help struggling single mothers stay on their feet and become awesome women of God. I want to be able to retire and free travel the beaches of the world. But if I give up, it will never happen! We have to find our why! Tip #3: Change the way you think, so you can change the way you speak! -Proverbs 23:7 "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he" Luke 6:45 "A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. Our thoughts control what we say. What are you speaking? Are speaking curses and death over your life, family and business? Or are you consistently speaking life and blessings? What you speak out of your mouth is what blossoms in your life! When a negative comes in my mind, I cast it down out loud then I replace it by quoting a scripture or inspirational quote. This immediately puts my mind back into a positive and motivated mindset. Tip #4: Stay Plugged in!!! -Most companies nowadays have weekly, if not daily team building and motivational conference calls. With Micore International we do conference calls 3 times a week. These calls energizes me to keep going. They allow me to remember the potential of my business and why I started in the first place. If you own your own business, or your company do not offer these type of calls, find a group or company that does. I'm on some type of conference call everyday during the week. There are so many out there that wants to offer you encouragement and support. is a great place to start ladies. Or shoot, start your own motivational conference call or weekly meeting. When we stay plugged in to positive, we will stay fired and motivated to continue to push forward in our businesses. Tip #5: Self Evaluate Regularly -Ok, so some people do not like to realize or admit that some parts of their character stinks. And that's fine but if we never take time to self evaluate our character and realize that we need change, then we will never get any where. When we don't do "self checks" we constantly point fingers at other people or things and make that the excuse for why we are not successful. But in all reality you don't have customers or clients because your attitude "sucks". Or maybe you think you know everything and is not open to being teachable or coach-able. I ran across a quote today that said, "Everybody you will ever meet in life, knows something that you don't" ~Bill Nye. That is so true! No matter how much we think we know, we will never be able to grow until we "empty out our cups". Don't stay stale and stagnant. Be willing to pin point the areas that need changing within you, so you can stay motivated to grow. Tip #6: Know that fear is Inevitable. Expect it but KEEP MOVING FORWARD! -DO NOT let fear dictate your actions! Move forward in boldness and courage! "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind" 2 Tim 1:7. When fear tries to attack me, I make it a point to do exactly what I'm afraid to do. And once I do that I find out that there was nothing to be afraid of. Face fear head on! Don't let fear stop you from living the life you've always dreamed of. Also a good way of facing fear is remembering your "Why". I will not let fear stop me from being able to send my kids to college, so I will press forward! Expect it, but keep it moving! Tip #7: Continue to Educate Yourself - I am a hair stylist as well and as soon as I get the hang of how to do one particular cut or style, some new trend or new style is there waiting for me to learn it. That is what happen in every field or industry. There is tons of information out there that needs to be learned. I truly believe that this is one of the key reasons why a lot of businesses and business owners do not succeed. Learn! When the times and trends change so should you. Be able to adapt to change, don't complain about the change. Successful people learn how to just go with the flow of the industry. Learning and applying new principals and ideas keeps us motivated to continue on to the next task. Tip #8: BE YOURSELF -Remember people do business with with people, not companies. Allow your personality to shine through. Build relationships with your clients and customers. If you like to make people laugh, put up a funny joke everyday. If you like education or reading books, educate your clients or customers on what you read the past week and what you learned from it. Make them feel like they are apart of your life. Now you don't have to tell them everything, just make them feel welcomed into your personal circle. Believe it or not, your product could suck, but they will still buy from you because its you who is selling it. So be your self! Tip #9: Shake The Haters Off -Sometimes my 10yr old daughter will come home upset, about what somebody may have said about her. And my reply is "So What!" No matter how good, how old, how cute, or how successful you are, some body is also ways going to have something to say about you! My philosophy is when people hate, that means your are doing something right! Don't let the words and opinions of people stop you from being successful. They hate because they don't have the "guts" to do what you are doing! So smile in there faces and love the "hell" out of them. Literally! Love them even though they hate you! "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" Matthew 5:44. Tip #10: Have Fun - Have fun in your business no matter what it is. Be excited about what you have to offer. If your are passionate people will see it. Now if you don't like your company or product, find a company or product that you can be passionate about. Just in there is always room for your in Micore International. Visit if you would like more information. Anyway, when you're on fire there is no way the others next to you wont catch on fire as well. Live, Eat, Sleep, and Be your business! Get excited because your best is yet to come! People are waiting on you to step and get in position so you can be a blessing to them! What are you waiting on?? Thanks for stopping by and I will talk to you soon. Have a great day and God Bless!

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