Monday, May 6, 2013

Consistency. OUCH!

Hello World, O.K it's confession time. A lot of my blogs will be kind of direct and straight to the point. I have made a commitment to grow up in some areas of my life, so as I'm learning and maturing, I will be sharing information so I can help others. Being real with yourself and admitting that you indeed have room for growth is a hard task, but it's necessary if we want to grow and reach our full potential! I'm enjoying the season of pruning in my life. So today I wanted to point out another area that I working on and that's "Consistency". Consistency is one of those character traits that is necessary if you want to be successful at anything. First let's define the word Consistency. Consistency....... 1. is agreement or accordance with facts, form, or characteristics previously shown or stated 2. agreement or harmony between parts of something complex; compatibility 3. (Physics / General Physics) degree of viscosity or firmness 4. the state or quality of holding or sticking together and retaining shape 5. conformity with previous attitudes, behavior, practice, etc. Inconsistency as a lot to do what I talked about in my last post. Excuses! It's hard to stay consistent when you make excuses for your lack of effort. So let's point out a few tips on how to stay consistent. Keys To Consistency 1.Pray! Pray and ask God to help you become a more consistent person. Believe me, He will give you the opportunity to either consistently move forward and stop making excuses, or you will consistently stay stagnant in mediocrity. 2. Create a clear Plan. Write out your goals and vision. 3. Get out of your own way. Often, we stop being consistent because we are thinking too much and telling ourselves things that aren’t true. Statements such as “this will never work” or “I cannot do this”, take us out of alignment and stop momentum. Change your thoughts and change your life! 4. Develop a workable plan of action. What do you have to do, to get to where you want to go? 5. Take care of yourself. As entrepreneurs it is easy to leave yourself behind and take care of everyone and everything first. This approach can often lead to a lack of motivation and consistency. Remember, to schedule time to take care of yourself. 6. Do Not give up before your goal is reached. Are You Committed? 7. Find some one that you can trust to hold you accountable. 8.Reward yourself with milestone goals! Buy a car with cash. Go on a $1500 shopping spree Take a Dream Vacation. 9.Be positive! 10.Stick to it. To be consistent you need to stick to your plan. You likely will get off track from time to time. When you do, get right back on your plan and start moving forward again. 11. Don't put to much on your plate. Becoming overwhelmed is a way to quickly give up. So whatever change you are trying to do, do it slowly but steadily so you don't become overwhelmed. 12.Try, try and try again. Staying consistent is a learning process. It takes time to learn how to build your life around consistent action. Certainly some people find this comes naturally, but for most of us it consistency does not come easy. That may be true even if you are excited and passionate about what you do. It is easy to burn out on your passions by spending too much time in those areas. As you continue to work towards consistency, you will get better. So let's challenge our selves to focus on one area of our life where we lack consistency. I will be focusing on exercising regularly. I am not obese so that is always my excuse to not work out. Even though I am not obese, my knee is causing me problem simply because I don't work out. I am currently going to physical therapy 2 times a week for my knee when all of this could be prevented if I just exercise a few minutes a day. But this week I choose to be consistent in working out at least 30 minutes a day. I challenge you to do choose to do something different!!! Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day! Good Bless!

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