Monday, May 6, 2013

Are Your Priorities Straight?

Hello Everybody, Are your priorities straight? Do you know what your priorities are? Do you know what a priority means? "Priority": A thing that is regarded as more important than another. The fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important. As a Christian My priorities are...... #2 My Husband and our Marriage #3 My Children #4 My Businesses and Ministry Because I know my priorities I should to make the choices and decisions that will allow me to keep my priorities straight and in order. But that Is not always the case. I am much better than I use to be. I have really been working on getting my priorities straight. And what I have found is that sometimes getting your priorities in order require some major adjustments. Sometimes just to be able to spend more time with your family, you will have to find another job or work less hours. Sometimes in order to get some quiet time to meditate on the promises of God, you will have to wake up at 5a.m instead of 6a.m. Sometimes in order to be able to keep your "date night" with your spouse, you will have to pay someone $20 an hour to keep all 4 of your kids. Your Priorities are what is most important to you. Nowadays jobs are the number 1 priority among most people. They wake up at six in the morning, fix their kids a bowl of fruit loops, get the kids off to school and then rush to make it to work on time. They get to work, flustered and frustrated because the traffic was bad but because they are late, their isn't time to take a deep breath and gain some composure. The work schedule is 8 a.m to 5 p.m. They work all day, get off to be stuck in even more traffic, by the time they get home to their family they are even more overwhelmed. Then they eat dinner, they shower, maybe watch a little t.v and then bed. What a waste of day! I know because my days used to be that exact same way. We get stuck in these normal 8-5's and our family and our relationship with God is sacrificed. I'm so sorry but my family and my relationship with God means much more to me than a job! This reason alone is why I am a Entrepreneur. I was so tired of being away from my kids all day! I was so tired of not being about to interact with my family because I'm so tired when I come home. I was so tired of not being able to take trips when I wanted to because I had a job. I was so tired of feeling like I had to work a $10 a hour job all day just to keep food on the table. I was so tired of being mistreated by co-workers and management. I was so tired! When my husband and I married, he told me that I didn't have to work if I didn't want to. It wasn't the fact that I didn't want to work, I wanted to be able to make money in a way that will allow me to keep my priorities in line. I Thank God for a husband that would allow me to follow that entrepreneurial fire that was burning within me. I was fed up with making other people rich! I followed my heart! And now I am able to home school my kids, and spend quiet alone time with God everyday. I am able to keep my house clean and cook breakfast, lunch and dinner for my family. I am able to freely travel the world and spend quality time with my husband. The awesome part about all of this is that I get to have fun while still making Money!!! (SCREAMING) AWESOME!!!! Before I didn't have no time to do the things that meant the most to me because I had to work a job, making no more than $600 every 2 weeks. Now I can live the life I want and make $600 in one day! Isn't God good! Tears come to my eyes every time I think about it. Now don't get me wrong, there are some days where I get it wrong. Sometimes I may be working on the computer a little too long or there are times where I don't do any work all day, but I get back on track the next day. If you are someone who is longing for the opportunity to stop working a normal 8-5, and start being able to do the things that means most to you but still make money. Then I have good news for you. You do not have to stay tied down to a job if you don't want to. You can be free to put your priorities in place and keep them that way. Being an entrepreneur does not mean you do not have to work, it means you can work when you want and where ever you want. If you are in need of your current paycheck, I do not recommend quitting your job and building your home business, because building your home business will require patience and consistency. But I do recommend building your home business on the side so you can eventually quit your job. It boils down to this one question "How bad do you want it?" How bad do you want to be able to put your priorities back in order and begin to live your dream life? If you are ready to change your life visit and fill out the side information box. I will personally help you begin building a home business, in a billion dollar industry. Don't make any excuses! If you want to see to see a change in your life, you have to change first. Get rid of every excuse, change your mindset, speak positive and get around positive people. You can do it! You can make your dreams come true! If you are not willing to change, then I can tell you that 10yrs from now you will be exactly in the same place. Unhappy! Forget about what your momma told you, forget about what they may have said about you. Forget about all of the lies the enemy has whispered in your ears for years and you believed it. Forget about your lack of know-how, skills or education. Forget about your past failures and mistakes. The only thing that matters is, Do you want to move Forward? If you do visit and fill out the side information box. I will personally get back with you and get you on the road to building a successful home business. Below are some pictures of my priorities! I love my family! Thank You For Stopping By. Have a Great Day, I hope to talk to you soon. God Bless!

Reverse Alopecia and Other Hair Loss Conditions with Scientific Breakthrough

Hello Everyone, I am so excited to present to you EnhanceHer, also known as Hair Demand. Women are achieving great results from thicker, fuller, healthier hair with Enhanceher™. The Active ingredient is clinically proven to grow hair for many participants. Satisfaction guaranteed. Women: Reduce the Appearance of Thinning Hair and Gain Fuller Looking Hair in Weeks! You’re spending hundreds of dollars to cover your thinning hair, when you should be Enhancing your natural hair! Enhanceher™ is a truly unique product in the marketplace designed for women, and designed to deliver results! Enhanceher™ takes into account the differences in hormonal imbalances between men and women. It is specially designed for women to reduce the appearance of hair thinning and prevent the appearance of hair loss. Enhanceher™ uses an innovative technology called Deep Penetrating Formula (DPF) with the active ingredient Capixyl™ to address the signs of hair thinning while nourishing your hair into thicker-looking hair. Enhanceher™ has been enhanced with ingredients to penetrate deep into the hair and create visibly healthy longer-looking hair. It will maximize your results and help prevent your hair from the signs of hair thinning and reduce inflammation of the scalp, which can prevent hair from growing. Enhanceher™ uses a peptide to help firmly secure the hair to the scalp and reduce the appearance of hair loss. It contains natural ingredients such as plant extract and red leaf clover extract to help improve the scalp coverage with thicker-looking fullness. Your hair can have a beautiful, thicker more luxurious appearance. Hair Demand for Women. Product Details *Maximum Strength 5% Capixyl™. *Doctors Approved and Recommended. *Non-allergenic. *Safe for ALL Hair Types. *No Prescription Required. *For Natural or Chemically Treated Hair. *Topical Spray for Women. *Manufactured in USA under F.D.A. Inspected and Organic Certified Facility. You can Order for yourself or for your mom, sister, aunt or cousin now at

Consistency. OUCH!

Hello World, O.K it's confession time. A lot of my blogs will be kind of direct and straight to the point. I have made a commitment to grow up in some areas of my life, so as I'm learning and maturing, I will be sharing information so I can help others. Being real with yourself and admitting that you indeed have room for growth is a hard task, but it's necessary if we want to grow and reach our full potential! I'm enjoying the season of pruning in my life. So today I wanted to point out another area that I working on and that's "Consistency". Consistency is one of those character traits that is necessary if you want to be successful at anything. First let's define the word Consistency. Consistency....... 1. is agreement or accordance with facts, form, or characteristics previously shown or stated 2. agreement or harmony between parts of something complex; compatibility 3. (Physics / General Physics) degree of viscosity or firmness 4. the state or quality of holding or sticking together and retaining shape 5. conformity with previous attitudes, behavior, practice, etc. Inconsistency as a lot to do what I talked about in my last post. Excuses! It's hard to stay consistent when you make excuses for your lack of effort. So let's point out a few tips on how to stay consistent. Keys To Consistency 1.Pray! Pray and ask God to help you become a more consistent person. Believe me, He will give you the opportunity to either consistently move forward and stop making excuses, or you will consistently stay stagnant in mediocrity. 2. Create a clear Plan. Write out your goals and vision. 3. Get out of your own way. Often, we stop being consistent because we are thinking too much and telling ourselves things that aren’t true. Statements such as “this will never work” or “I cannot do this”, take us out of alignment and stop momentum. Change your thoughts and change your life! 4. Develop a workable plan of action. What do you have to do, to get to where you want to go? 5. Take care of yourself. As entrepreneurs it is easy to leave yourself behind and take care of everyone and everything first. This approach can often lead to a lack of motivation and consistency. Remember, to schedule time to take care of yourself. 6. Do Not give up before your goal is reached. Are You Committed? 7. Find some one that you can trust to hold you accountable. 8.Reward yourself with milestone goals! Buy a car with cash. Go on a $1500 shopping spree Take a Dream Vacation. 9.Be positive! 10.Stick to it. To be consistent you need to stick to your plan. You likely will get off track from time to time. When you do, get right back on your plan and start moving forward again. 11. Don't put to much on your plate. Becoming overwhelmed is a way to quickly give up. So whatever change you are trying to do, do it slowly but steadily so you don't become overwhelmed. 12.Try, try and try again. Staying consistent is a learning process. It takes time to learn how to build your life around consistent action. Certainly some people find this comes naturally, but for most of us it consistency does not come easy. That may be true even if you are excited and passionate about what you do. It is easy to burn out on your passions by spending too much time in those areas. As you continue to work towards consistency, you will get better. So let's challenge our selves to focus on one area of our life where we lack consistency. I will be focusing on exercising regularly. I am not obese so that is always my excuse to not work out. Even though I am not obese, my knee is causing me problem simply because I don't work out. I am currently going to physical therapy 2 times a week for my knee when all of this could be prevented if I just exercise a few minutes a day. But this week I choose to be consistent in working out at least 30 minutes a day. I challenge you to do choose to do something different!!! Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day! Good Bless!

Excusing Your Way To Failure?

Hello Everybody, I am so tired of making excuses for my actions. I am so tired of other people making excuses for their actions! I am so tired of people making excuses for other people. As Dani Johnson so kindly put it, "An Excuse is a well planned lie!" I never knew how many excuses I was making for my self, until I consciously made a decision not to make excuses for my self. I have been making excuses for my self in a lot of areas in my life. No wonder I'm not where I planned to be at this time in my life. Before I go any further I want to define Rationalization. Rationalization (also known as making excuses) is an unconscious defense mechanism in which perceived controversial behaviors or feelings are logically justified and explained in a rational or logical manner in order to avoid any true explanation, and are made consciously tolerable – or even admirable and superior – by plausible means. Rationalization encourages irrational or unacceptable behavior, motives, or feelings and often involves ad hoc hypothesizing. This process ranges from fully conscious (e.g. to present an external defense against ridicule from others) to mostly subconscious (e.g. to create a block against internal feelings of guilt). People rationalize for various reasons. Rationalization may differentiate the original deterministic explanation of the behavior or feeling in question. Sometimes rationalization occurs when we think we know ourselves better than we do. It is also an informal fallacy of reasoning. If you, like myself, are someone who is a habitual excuse maker it might be a good idea to ask yourself why you deliberately choose to be less than truthful. Do you fear the scrutiny of friends, family, or coworkers? Are you uncomfortable with opening yourself up to others? Sometimes, making up a lame excuse to avoid trying something new. Are you afraid your lack of "know how" would make you feel inadequate, vulnerable, or foolish? Are your excuses meant to inflate your worthiness in the eyes of others? Ego does play a factor in habitual excuse making. However, indulging in ego-boosting through excuse making will likely have the reverse result: deflated personal self-worth. You can trick others into believing a lie, but convincing yourself is not as easy. Or is it? If you tell a lie convincingly enough and you get away with it you may also begin believing it yourself. It's true. Overtime, an excuse-maker will start buying into his own cons and, as a result, live a lie. Some Common Excuses *I don't know how to....... *I don't have anything to wear to........ *I'm so tired........ *I have never done.......... *It's O.K no one will find out........ *I don't drink water because....... *I can't start my own business because....... *I can't make friends because...... *I can't eat healthy because....... *I can't exercise because...... *We are getting a divorce because........ *I have no talents........ *I can't pray because....... And the list could go on and on. We can't continue to make excuses for ourselves or the people around us. Excuses will allow you to stay in the same place and become stagnant in all areas of life. Now Let's take a look at how we can stop making excuses for ourselves. Tips To Not Making Excuses *List all your excuses for why you have not, or cannot, accomplish a particular goal. Then, go through each one, and find ways to get around, or solve, each one. There is always a way, but as long as those excuses sit in your head without being addressed, they remain obstacles. Example: "I can't get a job because I don't have a car." Can you borrow a car to get to job interviews, or save money to rent one? Utilize public transportation, or ride a bike? Buy a used moped or scooter? Can you move closer to where the job are? *Move Now! Don't accept any excuse or reason to procrastinate. If you find yourself acting like the world is against you, almost as if the world is trying to stop you from getting ahead, you may be a pessimist. * Motivate yourself to move with "Self Talk". Don't give into negative thoughts or feelings! Don't be lead by your emotions! Talk your self into doing what you know you need to do in order to be successful. *Write out your long term and short term goals. Once you reach a goal write down the date completed next to the goal achieved. This will allow you to see that "You CAN do it!" *Set and question your priorities. Sometimes it takes many failed trials to reach a pattern that works because you may run into unexpected obstacles - good valid reasons for the old habit that must be understood and accepted in order to make the change. Ask why you are making the change - if you are not doing it for yourself but to please someone else, it may not bring any benefits at all. Realistic, practical goals broken down into smaller steps that build on small successes to reach a long term goal are the patterns that work. *Face your Fears Head On. Sometimes fear paralyzes us and stops us from moving forward. Figure out who or what is it that we are afraid of. Then decided whether or not you want to make an excuse for this fear and let it stop you from reaching your goal or living the life you've always dreamed of. The choice is yours! *Create a Positive Mindset. Meditate on and speak only positive things. *Make a daily schedule or task list and check tasks off once they've been completed. I choose to no longer make excuses and to live my life to the fullest! An Excuse is bondage in my opinion! I will no longer be tied down and imprisoned by my excuses! I will Move Forward and live my life free from excuses. That's my choice and my decision. I hope it's your also. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day! God bless!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tips to Staying Motivated in Business

Hello world, Ever get tired of trying? Do you sometimes talk your self out of your dreams and into mediocrity? Do you allow how you feel determine the amount of effort you put in? Do you allow your lack of knowledge to stop you from moving forward? You are not alone! There are a lot of us that struggle with this lack of motivation! And there are even some of us who are struggling and there is no one in our corner to give us a hug or a pat on the back and say "You got this,You can do it!" So I would like to give a few tips to staying motivated in business. Note that these are some things that I do and that I recommend doing. There are plenty other ways to stay motivated but I'm sharing with you what I do. Ok so here we go........... Tip #1: Meditate on the Goodness of God and all His Promises. - I find this to be truly motivational, and when its done at the beginning of my day it sets the tone so the rest of my day flows so smoothly. Joshua 1:8 says, "Keep this book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Doing this helps me to see that's its God's will for me to be successful and prosperous, so I have to keep going despite what it looks like. Tip #2: Find your "WHY" -Finding your why is very important. You have to know why you are aiming for success. You have to know why you are doing what you are doing. It you don't have a why, then you won't succeed! Point Blank! My why is my children and my passion to help young girls and single mothers. My why is my husband! I want to be able to send my children to college and leave an inheritance for them. I want to be able to help you girl become Godly women and to help struggling single mothers stay on their feet and become awesome women of God. I want to be able to retire and free travel the beaches of the world. But if I give up, it will never happen! We have to find our why! Tip #3: Change the way you think, so you can change the way you speak! -Proverbs 23:7 "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he" Luke 6:45 "A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. Our thoughts control what we say. What are you speaking? Are speaking curses and death over your life, family and business? Or are you consistently speaking life and blessings? What you speak out of your mouth is what blossoms in your life! When a negative comes in my mind, I cast it down out loud then I replace it by quoting a scripture or inspirational quote. This immediately puts my mind back into a positive and motivated mindset. Tip #4: Stay Plugged in!!! -Most companies nowadays have weekly, if not daily team building and motivational conference calls. With Micore International we do conference calls 3 times a week. These calls energizes me to keep going. They allow me to remember the potential of my business and why I started in the first place. If you own your own business, or your company do not offer these type of calls, find a group or company that does. I'm on some type of conference call everyday during the week. There are so many out there that wants to offer you encouragement and support. is a great place to start ladies. Or shoot, start your own motivational conference call or weekly meeting. When we stay plugged in to positive, we will stay fired and motivated to continue to push forward in our businesses. Tip #5: Self Evaluate Regularly -Ok, so some people do not like to realize or admit that some parts of their character stinks. And that's fine but if we never take time to self evaluate our character and realize that we need change, then we will never get any where. When we don't do "self checks" we constantly point fingers at other people or things and make that the excuse for why we are not successful. But in all reality you don't have customers or clients because your attitude "sucks". Or maybe you think you know everything and is not open to being teachable or coach-able. I ran across a quote today that said, "Everybody you will ever meet in life, knows something that you don't" ~Bill Nye. That is so true! No matter how much we think we know, we will never be able to grow until we "empty out our cups". Don't stay stale and stagnant. Be willing to pin point the areas that need changing within you, so you can stay motivated to grow. Tip #6: Know that fear is Inevitable. Expect it but KEEP MOVING FORWARD! -DO NOT let fear dictate your actions! Move forward in boldness and courage! "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind" 2 Tim 1:7. When fear tries to attack me, I make it a point to do exactly what I'm afraid to do. And once I do that I find out that there was nothing to be afraid of. Face fear head on! Don't let fear stop you from living the life you've always dreamed of. Also a good way of facing fear is remembering your "Why". I will not let fear stop me from being able to send my kids to college, so I will press forward! Expect it, but keep it moving! Tip #7: Continue to Educate Yourself - I am a hair stylist as well and as soon as I get the hang of how to do one particular cut or style, some new trend or new style is there waiting for me to learn it. That is what happen in every field or industry. There is tons of information out there that needs to be learned. I truly believe that this is one of the key reasons why a lot of businesses and business owners do not succeed. Learn! When the times and trends change so should you. Be able to adapt to change, don't complain about the change. Successful people learn how to just go with the flow of the industry. Learning and applying new principals and ideas keeps us motivated to continue on to the next task. Tip #8: BE YOURSELF -Remember people do business with with people, not companies. Allow your personality to shine through. Build relationships with your clients and customers. If you like to make people laugh, put up a funny joke everyday. If you like education or reading books, educate your clients or customers on what you read the past week and what you learned from it. Make them feel like they are apart of your life. Now you don't have to tell them everything, just make them feel welcomed into your personal circle. Believe it or not, your product could suck, but they will still buy from you because its you who is selling it. So be your self! Tip #9: Shake The Haters Off -Sometimes my 10yr old daughter will come home upset, about what somebody may have said about her. And my reply is "So What!" No matter how good, how old, how cute, or how successful you are, some body is also ways going to have something to say about you! My philosophy is when people hate, that means your are doing something right! Don't let the words and opinions of people stop you from being successful. They hate because they don't have the "guts" to do what you are doing! So smile in there faces and love the "hell" out of them. Literally! Love them even though they hate you! "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" Matthew 5:44. Tip #10: Have Fun - Have fun in your business no matter what it is. Be excited about what you have to offer. If your are passionate people will see it. Now if you don't like your company or product, find a company or product that you can be passionate about. Just in there is always room for your in Micore International. Visit if you would like more information. Anyway, when you're on fire there is no way the others next to you wont catch on fire as well. Live, Eat, Sleep, and Be your business! Get excited because your best is yet to come! People are waiting on you to step and get in position so you can be a blessing to them! What are you waiting on?? Thanks for stopping by and I will talk to you soon. Have a great day and God Bless!

Why "The Walking Lioness"?

Hello, I know some of you may be wondering why I named my blog page, "The Walking Lioness"? So I wanted to take the time out to tell you why. Years ago I became fond of the Lioness and all that she represented. Why you think of a Lioness, what's the first word that come to mind? I'm pretty sure a lot of you thought of the words beauty, provider, fierce, powerful, strength, confidence etc.... Well so did I. I wanted to be all of these things. I didn't want to pretend or put on a facade as I was all of these things, I genuinely wanted to embody all of the characteristics of a Lioness. Well Thanks to my First Lady, Christy Cowart at Live Oak Church of God, I am on my way to truly walking as the human form of a Lioness. She introduced me to the book, "Arising Lioness" by Lisa Bevere and this book as gave me a new awareness as to how to be a Lioness. This is the back book cover introduction to the book........ "These people rise up like a lioness; like a majestic lion they stand." -Numbers 23:24 The Lioness rises from her slumber, a magnificent image of strength, passion and beauty. Her mere presence commands the landscape, protects her young, and empowers the lion. In groups, lionesses become a creative and strategic force to be reckoned with, acting as one to change the world around them. YOU TOO ARE A LIONESS. Women, it's time to..... AWAKEN... God did not save you to tame you.... AWAKEN... to a life of fierce passion. AWAKEN... to dangerous prayer, stunning power, and teamed purpose. AWAKEN... your response could very well change your world. This book is absolutely amazing. I recommend it to every women out there. The words of this book, deposited huge amounts of courage and strength just by opening it up. All of my Followers please get the book and read it, because shortly I will be posting the "Lioness Challenge". This will be something that I personally will be doing in order to be and continue to be a "Walking Lioness". Are you up for the challenge?? Then get the book! Go to and buy the book. The cost of the book is $14.99 but amazon has some used one on there now for as low as $7. So buy the book and stay tuned for the challenge. Thank you so much for reading, I will talk with you soon. Have a great day! God Bless!